Tomorrow our new pet will make its debut.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Of life, love and lizards...
Tomorrow our new pet will make its debut.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Friday Letter - March 12th
What a perfect week to learn about the rainforest. We went on a "safari" through the woods on Wednesday morning just before it started to rain. We also made safari hats, rain sticks, and jungle animal puppets. In centers, the students wrote what they might see on a real safari and played with pretend jungle animals in the home living center.
Our Bible stories were the "Lost Parables." Jesus told three parables about things that were lost so we know that His heart is for lost people. I hope these stories can speak to us so that people who don't know Jesus will be important to us too.
I don't know if moms will like our Family Fun Activity this weekend, but I know your little ones will LOVE it. I am sending home a bug catcher with each friend. Please help your child catch one creepy crawly to bring in on Monday to kick off our Creepy Crawly week. I still remember my dad helping me catch a bee for show and tell when I was in preschool. (Not saying it has to be a bee - any little critter will be great!) Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Glenn
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Journals and Jungle Monkeys
I said, "Well, actually you were 4. You were still learning to write
but you are a GREAT writer and now you can write whole stories!"
Kristopher and Erik have filled up several spiral notebooks full of stories about Mario and Luigi and of course, Thomas. But today they were not interested in looking at old journals. Their focus was on our new dress up clothes in the dramatic play center.
A couple of monkeys - perfect for Jungle Week!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
It Takes A Village
I know the proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child," but I've decided it takes a village to TEACH a child. I am so thankful for all the people who have provided materials for my class this year - my mom, Becca, classroom parents, our directors, my husband. I am also so thankful for the people who pray for me and my students on a DAILY basis - Ronnie, Vickie, our home group.
You mean so much to me and I just wanted to say THANKS! Children are learning about Jesus and having so much fun every day because of you.
"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Friday Letter - March 5th
Dear Parents,
This week we’ve learned all about zoo animals. Each student chose a zoo animal to paint and write a story about. They did a great job and the stories are displayed outside our classroom for you to read. We also read Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain and Giraffe Trouble. We talked about how animals come from all over the world to the zoo for zoologists to study and learn more about and for us to enjoy.
Our Bible story was about Mary, Martha and Lazarus. We played a game to learn about ways we can be more like Mary and we learned that it’s important to sometimes be like Martha and do our chores. The most important thing is to make time to get closer to Jesus by reading our Bible, praying and going to church.
Please make note of the updates in the "Important Dates" section on the right. Our class is counting down the days until Spring, but until then enjoy the nice weather this weekend. See you Monday!
Mrs. Glenn